Here are the basic rules for guest blogging –
- We welcome you to share your post with the audience and members of AwesomeIndia.
- By submitting the article you grant us a license to use, edit, and modify the content.
- The content would be reviewed by the editorial team before appearing on the website.
- Please ensure content is original and the data provided is up to date.
- We allow only one relevant reference from your website only if the article is completely unique and you don’t repost it anywhere else.
- The content should be in line with the Theme of the Blog – AwesomeIndia. The content should be related to Indian or India related.
- Promotional or spammy content in any form would not be accepted.
- Incase of any difficulty, you may contact us at awesomeindia83@gmail.com.
- If you are looking for marketing options for your business, please drop a line to awesomeindia83@gmail.com with Subject Line “Seek Marketing Strategies”